Everard Hesketh was educated at Marlborough College and subsequently the engineering department at King's College London. He won the Easton Scholarship permitting him to undertake a three year apprenticeship at Easton and Anderson of Erith. Source: Dartford Town Archive Everard came to Dartford in 1878 to work as a draughtsman for J&E Hall and by 1880 was the manager. He turned the failing company around having successfully introduced the production of refrigeration equipment and later pioneering the use of carbon dioxide. Hesketh was a prominent local politician who was elected to the Local Board and in 1889 became Dartford's first representative on Kent County Council. On 20th April 1904 Hesketh Park was opened 'To provide a retreat wherein Youth may gambol, Middle Age seek recreation and old Age reflect and find peace.' as a donation from him to the people of Dartford. Hesketh Park in Autumn Sources: Grace's Guide- Everard Hesketh Dartford Town Archive -Eve...