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Dartford Creek Barrier - Will Dartford Flood Again?

Dartford Creek is one of the last remaining natural tidal creeks in London. It was built in 1981 to minimise flood risk from the Thames Estuary to Crayford and Dartford. There are two gates that travel vertically and are driven by a chain system. The gates are balanced by two water-filled counterweights. When they close, the barrier is able to withstand up to 7 metres of water above average sea level. Most of the time the gates are raised but when flooding is predicted by the Met Office both are closed. Raised embankments along the lower reaches of the Thames estuary also act as flood defences.
Before the barrier was built Dartford flooded significantly  in 1953 and 1968.
In the face of global warming should we be worried about Dartford flooding once more? There is certainly a lot of new housing on floodplain and reclaimed marshland. Take a look at this map and judge for yourself.  It shows the land projected to be below annual flood level in 2030.  
Climate Central: Coastal Risk Screening Tool

Dartford Council make the following statement:

"Land fronting the River Thames is protected by continuous flood defences. However there is a theoretical risk - notionally 0.1% per annum, or once in a thousand years - of these being over-topped in extreme tidal conditions.

There is also a risk of breaching if a floodgate is left open or through over-topping and breaching of the defences in extreme circumstances. Areas behind the defences, particularly low lying areas, would be at risk from flooding.

The Environment Agency therefore resists development immediately behind defences. It is therefore important that all living accommodation, including hotels, hostels and guest houses, is constructed or located above the flood risk level."


  1. So how did those newer houses ever get planning permission between University Way and the River (Part of the old JGH ? (Possibly some Brown Envelopes )


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